The only constant in Life is change, changing from within will create amazing transformations.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

As More Studies Are Done More Warnings From The Endocrine Society

The largest study involving transgender people is providing long-sought insights about their health done by The European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence (ENIGI

Benita Arren wishes that the human body came with instructions. “We have a manual with every little thing we buy, in eight languages, but not for myself,” she says. 

About a decade ago, Arren was struggling with inner conflict. Designated male at birth, she had secretly dressed up in her mother’s clothes as a child, but she suppressed her feelings for decades. 

Then in her forties, married with two children and busy with a job in Antwerp, Belgium, she found them resurfacing. The masculine persona in her head — how she had long known herself to be — was falling away, leaving her feeling as though she had no personality at all. “Your consciousness is not fast enough to understand all those emotions,” she says.

The Endocrine Society, for example, warns doctors to consider a potential link between androgen hormone treatment and reproductive tract malignancies and tumors — a risk that could be important to trans people. 

Last year, Tangpricha’s team published a paper3 showing that transgender women had about 13.7 times the rate of blood clots as cisgender women. But such associations might not be meaningful — one way to identify causes is to do a prospective study like ENIGI.

Although transgender issues are becoming more mainstream, the topic remains politically charged. The European groups sometimes encounter transgender activists who oppose any medical intervention — T’Sjoen says he has had talks disrupted by people arguing that transgender people should not give in to social pressure. Although that could be true for some people, he says, for others, “even if they were living somewhere on a desert island, they would still want to change their body”.

Mental health tends to rank highly among health concerns, along with HIV. According to some studies, 25% of transgender women and 56% of African American transgender women in the United States are living with HIV, although this estimate could be high because it is based on people seeking treatment.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Are You Optimizing Your Fitness Potential?

Many people fail to target precisely what they need to work on to achieve their health and fitness goals. They follow cookie-cutter programs, don't really activate their nervous system, and try to do everything by will. Well, we know how great that works. How many failed diets do you have under your belt?

I trained thousands of people in my lifetime, I am a trained professional with lots of experience under my belt. I can tell you this, no two of my client ever responded the same with their meal plan and workout regimen, hence every program I have ever put together is tailored especially for them.

We need to look at many things before we embark on a program, for starters, what is your body type, are you big-boned, small-boned, do you carry lots of fat around your belly, do you gain muscle easily, or is it difficult to put on any muscle mass at all. How are your reflexes, your coordination, your sleeping patterns, does your body eliminate regularly, do you drink water, or are you more like a camel.  How well do you respond to change? Are you uptight, a fidgeter, antsy in every way?  How is your blood pressure, resting heart rate, do you smoke, drink, and do you eat late at night. 

These are just some of the variables that can slow down your weight loss and muscle-building abilities. Have you taught your body to be difficult by constantly dieting and falling off the wagon. You may be in need of a reboot. Are you addicted to sugar, fats, sodas, ice cream, these foods sabotage your metabolism in the worse way. Know I don't ever want to tell a client they can't ever have a certain item in their menu, however, to reboot, you must eliminate some of these to clean out your system. 

I am taking on new clients, you can either become a member on Patreon and get a really good deal, or you can pay my regular price of 30 dollars for 30 minutes, for my time on the phone or video chat and 60 dollars for an initial consultation and meal plan. 

I can be reached at, let me help you reach your health and fitness goals.


Friday, February 5, 2021

You Are What You Eat

Oatmeal Deluxe

Vegan sausage, whole-grain waffle, one egg

Salad Bowl Goodness

 If your food does not have color and is made up of mostly plants, then you are creating problems for yourself in the future. Let Maritza teach you how to eat for your body and goals.  

The one that loves is the one that wins.
