The only constant in Life is change, changing from within will create amazing transformations.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mark And Lynna Doing Great Things

Well folks the e-book is finally here. Now you can make delicious, nutritious and colorful bowls that are filled with health and love. Learn how Mark makes his amazing recipes that he is constantly sharing on his  face book page. Mark's FB

This easy to follow, yet informational picture filled book, will amaze you and leave you delighted with the many varieties you have in making massive salad bowls, home made dressings, smoothies and more. The book is filled with colorful pictures, Mark's cuisines and pictures of the beautiful land of enchantment. You can order the book as an e book, viewable on your iPad, iPhone and tablets, or you can down load the pdf and view it on your laptop, as well as order the hard copy.

So what are you waiting for, order it now, give it as a gift of health to your friends and family. This will make a great Mother's day present.  Order here Food For Thought: The Art Of Non-Cooking

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the content of the book, and if you would like to hire my services, feel free to peruse the price range on the right side of the blog. I can tailor a program especially for you, I have discount prices for groups.

Enjoy this labor of love that Mark and Lynna put together for you.

We Love you, but remember to Love yourself too.

Mark Angelo & Lynna Arielle

Monday, April 13, 2015

My Future Wife A Walking Billboard

Even after she sustained 3 fracture in her neck if you read the blog entry before this one you will get the full story, Lynna an MTF who was afraid of lifting weights or engaging in strength training has a different out look on life. After rehabbing her, and she still has a long way to go,  here is what she looks like now. I am a big believer in the holistic approach. I use the body, mind and spirit techniques, person specific, my own programs. Everyone's body can be changed no matter what the situation.

"This was me back on December 15, 2014. I ran over 2500 miles in three years, but I still looked like that. I could not for the life of me get rid of my gut. I didn't know how to eat right and I was yo-yo-ing up and down with my weight. Then came Mark and I am down from 190 to the 164 that I presently am at. Mark is very holistic in his approach and listens to my body. I feel incredible and I have never been this fit and this healthy in my entire life. I have much more to go but, life will never be the same. Thank you so much Mark, you are a gift from the Universe just for me", Lynna reports.

If you are interested in hiring me, I work with long distance clients, over the phone, Skype, we will travel to your location if the price is right, prefer to stay in the Southwest region. We will be doing workshops, seminars online and on location for those that can't afford my one on one services. 

Keep coming back for more information.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Eat For Health And Live To Thrive: Miracles Do Happen

What if I where to tell you the more you eat, the more weight you will lose, would you believe me? Okay, so let me break this down, all the years you have been told eat less to lose weight, how far has that really gotten you? If you are like most people, you have been on a diet roller coaster most of your life, counting calories and depriving yourself all for nothing.

I have the answer for you, you are not meant to diet, being over weight is a disease of malnutrition and toxic storage. The foods you are eating are actually not providing your body with what it needs, hence, it stores all these toxins that come from what you are eating, from your "food" which makes you look sick, tired and fat.

Stop counting calories, eat to your hearts content, but eat foods that your body recognizes and knows what to do with. If it comes in a box, can, or any form of unnatural packaging, then do not eat it. Food needs to be in its natural form for your cells to recognize it.  So all you have to do is eat fruits, veggies, soaked nuts and seeds and sprouted legumes, eat as much of this as you want. In fact, I encourage you to eat to your hearts content. I am in the process of finishing up an e book that  will show you how to make amazing recipes that you will love and enjoy, "Foods For Thought: The Art Of Non Cooking" is a simple step by step e book that will provide you with lots of information to help you succeed.  This is only the beginning of a series of books we will be bringing to you as well as videos.

My girl friend Lynna, fell off a mountain pass, Dec 30th 2014 while driving from Minnesota to Silver City New Mexico. The doctors gave her a grim prognosis due to the type of fractures and ligament injuries she sustained after flying off this mountain and rolling down 300 plus feet, with ever roll, she thought the next roll would lead to her death. She survived but sustained fractures in her cervical spine, C-1, C-3, C-4 as well as T-7. She was told that she had a 25 % chance of recovery and even if she recovered she was a fall away from being a quadriplegic. Well the good news is, Lynna is improving daily, in fact she is thriving, the secret is having a positive mind, having someone by her side (I am an Occupational Therapist, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach and Certified Nutritional Consultant) that loves her and through love, my specialized rehab, spiritual therapy and feeding her foods that help her body heal, Lynna is beating those odds.  Here is the link to  Our Story.

We want to help people do the same, whether it's weight loss you are trying to achieve, improvement to you mental and physical health, or just taking control of your life. We will be providing our services either through Skype consults, Google hangouts,driving to your location, and or working on getting a location here in the beautiful land of Enchantment, Silver City NM, where we would teach you how to prepare amazing foods, how to improve your emotional well being and spiritual balance. We are in the process of putting together amazing programs that will fit your lifestyle and budget. So please keep checking back on this blog for more information.