The only constant in Life is change, changing from within will create amazing transformations.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Depression Can Be Treated With Food And Exercise

I know many are bent on taking pills, prescription drugs are at a all time high.  But just the side affects of these pharmaceuticals are enough to put you off taking them. The majority of depression stems from either a chemical imbalance or are situational.

Either way, and this is a personal choice, I would rather not ingest pills to solve what my body and mother earth can take care of. Please note, this is personal choice and there are some really severe cases that do need to be on a regimen directed by a doctor, but for those who feel that they would like to learn how to keep depression at bay, please read on.

First of all I can safely say that the majority of individuals that suffer from depression are most likely not getting enough sleep or rest. It is important to allow your body to unwind and recharge. Without getting to technical, let just say that like a battery, your brain requires rest to function properly. So a minimum of 8 hours, I recommend 10, especially if you are burning the candles at both ends, will allow your brain to recharge and provide you with a healthy mind set. We are being taxed in ways that our body was not intended, hours in front of a computer and not giving our eyes adequate down time, places an over load on your neurological system, which can lead to mental imbalance.

Water, although not at the top of the list of favorite beverage for many, is the most important and needed in our body. Dehydration can cause all sorts of mental and physical imbalances. Start by increasing your intake, slowly but steadily, a cup a day till you reach a gallon. Diminish the amount of caffeine you take in a day which tends to dehydrate your body and short circuit your neurons (brain cells).

My other recommendation is to add Fish oil or Omega 3 supplementation to your diet, this keeps your nervous system working properly. If you are not a vegan add Salmon to your diet at least twice a week. Load up on alkalizing veggies, such as kale, spinach and collard greens, this will fuel your brain, keep you sharp, and ward away the blues. Eat foods that give you brain power and keep your dendrites, these are the ultimate connectors in your brain, working steady.

Start by adding 20 minutes of any kind of physical activity daily, increasing your circulation and oxygen intake will improve your mental health.

If you want more information, please set up a consultation with me and let me guide you to your wellness goals. Fill out the contact form on this blog or shoot me an email.

Mark Angelo

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Eating for Winter

It is apparent that the colder months increase our appetite, we tend to want to indulge in comfort foods, become depressed and get cabin fever, hence we eat more. There is a way to change this behavior. Your body is in search of warmth and you do use up more calories trying to keep warm, therefore, the formula for success is to take naps and meditate more often to give your body some down time.

When we are tired and keeping warm makes your body work harder, you need to recharge more often, even if it means taking a power nap two to three times a day. Also make sure you drink water at room temperature and add a tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar to your water, this will help decrease your appetite as well as create a better PH in your system.  There are many things that you can do to weather out the winters and prevent from gaining weight. If you want to learn more about this, you can contact me and we will put together a plan specifically for you for the winter months. You don't have to be a victim of your habits, genes or lifestyle, take control once and for all.

Don't forget to purchase The Healthy Travelers Guide, in this guide I teach you many tricks to prevent gaining weight during vacation, to keep your weight off year round, work out without going to a gym, and how to properly eat and combine your foods to make you burn fat all the time. Also I teach you how to train your will power so you stop failing time and time again.

Contact me on the contact form to your right and let me help you succeed.

Mark Angelo Cummings