What is our purpose? Why are we going round and round in the same cycle in life? Do we have control of who we are and what we do? These and many questions cross my mind and life path. It takes a long time for many of us to understand the reason we are here and why life's turn of events take place. If we learn to listen to our inner voice and look at life with kinder eyes we might get the message and lesson being presented in front of us.
Our bodies are our temple. I am sure you have heard this time and time again, yet do we really understand this phrase? Placing ourselves second over situations to make money, get instant gratification or to just get along to get along can lead to the many imbalances we see before us. Take the time to listen to your body, your mind and soul. You are your friend or your worst enemy.
I know not everyone has the will to make change, addicting personalities, weakness and just situations that make us feel out of control can lead us to sabotage our best intentions. Be gentle, but be consistent with your goals and motives. If you fail, wipe your knees and start over. Take the time to be out in nature, ask yourself is this that I am doing going to make me healthier or bring on sickness. Learn to read your vibrations and the vibrations of everything around you.
If you are looking to make a change in your life and are serious about creating a positive outcome, then shoot me an email.
In the meantime follow your heart, your dreams and realize that life is the biggest gift and adventure we have been given as spirits having a human experience.
I Love You, but remember to Love yourselves too.
changing bodies, mind and Spirit is my specialty.